
How To Block URL for a Specific User in Cyberoam

Some time we need to block or stop to access of specific sites for a specific user. In this case we need to create few web filters rules to block to  accessing particular URL for any user in Cyberoam. Here below we will see step by step with image caption.

In this article we will see  How To Block URL for a Specific User in Cyberoam.



How To Block URL for a Specific User in Cyberoam


To Block a URL for a particular client

Cyberoam gives default classifications, which can be utilized to obstruct the malevolent and offensive

substance. Class is a gathering of URLs. At the point when we obstruct the classification, access to all the URLs get

blocked. Thus, when we need to square explicit URL’s of a class, ,we have to make a Custom

Web Category. Custom web classification is given need over default class while permitting/limiting

the entrance. The query output shows custom class name and not the default classification name.

For a theoretical guide to square URLs,,

Furthermore, for client ‘Bony’, we have to make a Custom Web Category.

Report gives steps on making custom web class and obstructing the entrance for the client



Web and Application Filter Module Subscribed


The whole setup is to be done from Web Admin comfort. Access Web Admin support with

Client having “Executive or administrator” profile.

Follow the underneath offered steps to make a redid Web Category and square a URL for client ‘John’:

How To Block URL for a Specific User in Cyberoam

Stage 1: Add Custom Web Category

E.g.: Create a Custom Web Category to square URLs,, and for client ‘John’

Go to Web Filter ⇒ Category ⇒ Category and snap “Include” catch to make custom Web Category

for example “BlockCategory”



Create Web Filter Category


Next here Give name of Web Category in my case here given:-

Nmae :-  “BlockURL”

Classification:- Unhealthy

Domain/Keyword :- Specify desire URL such as

Add Web Category 



Stage 2:- Add Web Filter Policy

Go to Web Filter ⇒ Policy ⇒ Policy and press “Add” option to make a Web Filter Policy


In below Image we fill required details to add Web Filter Policy. You can give any name according to you.

Here in my case

Name:- BlockURLPolicy

Template:- Deny All

Add Web Filter Policy


Press ‘OK’ option to make a Web Filter Policy.


On effective production of web channel strategy, page explores back to manage page. From that page, alter the arrangement to include the classifications.

Here we edit Created Policy


Click to Edit Policy


Edit Web Filter Policy

Now We add web filter Policy Rules

Press Add button and the Web Filter Policy rule will be made effectively as appeared in the underneath


Select Category Type as :- Web Category and choose Block URL option which we have created before further HTTP action and HTTPS Action make as Deny.

Stage 3: Now Apply Web Filter Policy to Require User

  1.  Go to Identity ⇒ Users ⇒ User
  2. Select client to apply Web Filter approach made in Step 2.
  3.  Under Policies Section, select ‘Block URL Policy’ (Step2) for Web Filter
  4.  Click OK catch to refresh


Select User To Edit and apply Web Filter Policy


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